On June 10, 2019, the International Kazakh-Turkish University named after Kozha Akhmed Yassawi in Turkestan and the Otrar State Archaeological Reserve Museum held a seminar on "KAMALY BEKEM HALKI KAYSAR - OTYRAR". The head of the historical cognitive club "Orda" Sizdikov declared about the goal of the seminar, dedicated to the 800th anniversary of the Otrar defense, and declared it open.
According to the program of the seminar, researchers of the Otrar Museum-Museum S.T Syzdykov and N.S Seraly read reports on Otrar History and Otrar's History of the Explosion, "Otrar's Destruction" and published a series of political events in the second decade of the XIII century, senior researcher A.A Seraliev acquainted with the slide prepared on the defense system and structure of the Otrar township.
Ashirbek Marzhan Orazalyzy, a 4th year student of the Kazakh-Turkish University of History, shared his heartbeat with the theme "The Motherland of Otrar". The final speech of the seminar was given by the Head of the History Department, Cand.Tech.Sci. Primkulova thanked the staff of the Otrar Museum, who shared the great information about the city of Otrar and spoke about the event organized today.