In June 25, 2018 within the framework of President N.Nazarbayev’s program article “Course towards the future: modernization of Kazakhstan’s identity and the 20th anniversary of the capital of Astana, it was organized the thematic movable exhibition “Holy heritages of the ancient Otrar” in Atyrau oblast historical and regional museum by Otrar state archaeological preservation museum.
Officially the opening ceremony of the exhibition, which was organized to promote the whole history of the Kazakh people was opened by S. Kalitkyzy, the Deputy Chief of the Museum for Cultural Affairs, and the letter of thanks from the head of the Department of Culture, Archives and Documentation of the Atyrau oblast S.Sabir was handed to the head of the fund of Otrar state archaeological preservation museum E.Tolendiuly.
In the collection of the exhibition there are archaeological findings, numismatics, jewelry, armour concerned to the 10th-18th cc as well as G.Baikenzhekyzy introduced the audience with the great sophist, propagator of Islam, ancestor of the Turkic sophists, establisher and teacher of the well-known Kodja Akhmet Yassaui the saint Arystanbab and the history of the burial memorial monument.
The exhibition “Holy heritages of the ancient Otrar” were attended by the regional historians O.Alimgereyuly, T.Zhanabai, A.Amirzhanuly, employees of cultural institutions under the Office of Culture, Archives and Documentation of Atyrau region, students, museum guests and Mass media. The exhibition will last until the end of July.