A new holiday was established by the decree of the head of the state on March 1- the Day of Gratitude in the Republic of Kazakhstan. The day of gratitude is the triumph of the wise policy of peace and interethnic accord of the Head of the State, a holiday of mercy, friendship and love of all Kazakhstani people to each other. According to this even the staffs of the Ethnography department of Otrar stat archaeological preservation museum organized a round table “Mercy – spiritual credo of the people of Kazakhstan”. Museum veterans, representatives of local schools, veteran teachers and the staffs of Otrar state archaeological preservation museums were invited to the round table. In the opening ceremony the first speech was given to the head of the department of Ethnography A.Zhumashova. She spoke about the goals and objectives of the activity.
During the round table the veterans of labour M.Alimbaev, G.Smatov, R.Kolesnicova, the deputy of the regional maslikhat K.Nurkulov, the veteran teachers A.Oryngalieva, N.Kolesnikova, a museum veteran Z.Anpilova, a correspondent of “Otrar orkenieti” O.Muratov, the head trainer of the local sport school R.Abdraimov, a businessman M.Vardoviyanets expressed their opinion and congratulated on the holiday. A scientific worker of the research department of Ethnography M.Akhmet made the report on the theme: “Мәңгілік ел - менің арманымның мекені” – “Eternal nation is the land of my dream”. The report presents about the role of our president and the citizens of the republic headed by him on creating an independent Kazakhstan, about the day of respect and gratitude of all ethnic groups to each other and to Kazakhs who showed mercy and accepted these people as relatives. In conclusion of the event the staff of the Otrar state archaeological preservation museum N.Dodabaev thanked all the guests. The guests got acquainted with the book exhibition which was organized by the librarian of the museum N.Abdrali. in honour of the holiday it was organized a concert and a festive table was arranged.