This monument is located 7 km north from Kogam village. Geographical coordinates 42Т 438693 UTM 4750346. Mardan kuik was observed in 1949 – 1951 by the South Kazakhstan archaeological expedition (E.I.Ageeva, A.N.Bernshtam), archaeological excavations here took place in 1986 by the South Kazakhstan complex archaeological expedition. (K.M.Baipakov).
Another name of the monument is Konyrtobe. This name was given by the local dwellers. Its upper side is full of ash, burnt reed, wood and other organic remains. The evidence clearly shows that the town once burned. The territory of the town consist of many mounds and it is clear shown the citadel, shakhristan and rabad. The central part of the mound is square shaped and its height is 8 m. The foothill of the mound from the north to the south is 220 m, from the east to the west is 340 m. The upper side of the mound is 120 X150 m.