The monument is located 1 km south – west from Kogam village. Geographical coordinates are 42Т 442718 UTM 4740913. The monument was observed in 1947 by the South Kazakhstan archaeological expedition (A.N.Bernshtam). In 1949 it was excavated the eastern edge of the lower flatland. Three layers were excavated which concerns to the 6th – 10th centuries. In 1969 – 1970 the monument was observed by the South Kazakhstan complex archaeological expedition (K.A.Akishev) and small pits were put. The corners of town is rounded and rectangular, the mound is two layered. The size of the foothill is 138 m from the west to the east, and from the north to the south is 110 m. The western part is lower, 7,5 m in height, the size is 30 m from the west to the east, from the north to the south is 60 m. Eastern part is higher. The size is 30x30 m, the height is 11,5. There are numerous remains of structures, mounds. There are also remains of the ancient highway channel flows from the Arys River which located the south from citadel. There are remains on both side of the river. One of them is Zhartobe – diameter is around 100 m, the height is 6 m. The mound is shared into two sides by the old channel. Three layers were investigated during the excavation in 1949. The first layer is damaged. On the second layer there were the remains of the walls laid by bricks (42x43x7 — 9 см).