The Department of Monuments Protection was opened in 2015. The main task of the department is to preserve monuments of archeology, ethnography, epigraphy and architecture from accidental or intentional destruction.
Based on the provisions of the Law of the Republic of Kazakhstan on the Protection and Use of Historical and Cultural Monuments, works in the following areas:
• Protection, conservation, propaganda and the study of monuments.
• Preventively notify by letters of protection and preservation of monuments located in 13 rural districts of the Otrar district;
• To inform by means of letters all the institutions of the district that are related to the land plots and to prepare security obligations with all economic entities security obligations;
• Participation in international, republican programs and projects, organizes expeditions and exhibitions, issues joint scientific works, participates in international and republican scientific conferences and seminars;
• Organizes for the purpose of replenishing the museum funds of the expedition, is engaged in collecting monuments;
At the same time, through the media, it conducts explanatory work on oasis monuments. In the Otrar region there are more than 250 historical and cultural monuments. Preservation, promotion of cultural heritage is the obligation of every resident of the Otrar district.
Work on the study of the ancient city of Otrar and the Otrar oasis continues. As a result of systematic research work, new monuments related to ancient history are revealed.
During construction, unknowingly and deliberately deliberately causes great damage to historical monuments. Our task is to preserve each monument as the apple of our eye, and therefore the duty of each employee, regardless of official duties, is the protection of historical heritage.