This monument is located at the confluence of the left bank of the Arys and Syrdaria Rivers, 4 km to the south – west from Kokmardan village. Geographical coordinates are 42Т444836 UTM 4731387. The site is investigated by Otrar archaeological expedition in 1969 – 1970 (K.A.Akishev). Pushykmardan is an ancient town. The citadel is in the eastern part of the mound. The total size is 150x120 m, the height is 10 m. and the monument is square shaped. Shakhristan merges with citadel in the western part. It is rounded; diameter is 150 m. Rabad merges with shakhristan in the south – western part and it is a horseshoe shaped. The mound is surrounded by the moat, width is 15 – 20 m, and depth is about 2 m. Shakhristan and citadel is separated from rabad. by another moat. Entrance into the shakhristan was from the south part. There were stronghold towers in citadel and shakhristan.