Within the framework of the program article of the Head of our state N.A.Nazarbayev ‘Perspectives: modernization of social consciousness’ the staffs from the research department of “Archaeology and Protection of the historical monuments” of Otrar State archaeological preservation museum organized movable exhibition in S.Seifullin common secondary school on the theme: «Отырар өңірінің күнделікті тұрмыстық тіршілікке ас үйлік жәдігерлері». The aim of the event is to propagate the tradition, custom, household items and art discovered during the archaeological excavation to the younger generation.
The exhibition presented the archaeological items which characterize the periods of Sacks, sarmats, huns, uisins, kangyus, turks, Karluks, ogyz, kypshaks obtained during the excavations and antique books from the museum collections. As well as the scientific staffs of Otrar museum Ermasheva Nurgul and Kulymbetov Olzhas read their articles on the themes: «Отырар өңіріндегі шыны ыдыстар», «Көне Отырар өңіріндегі мал және аң сүйектерінің тұрмыста қолданылуы» respectively. A guide Amze Nurseit made an excursion to younger students.